Thursday, August 23, 2007

The dawn of a new age. is my birthday. My thirtieth.

I wanted to break in a new decade by starting something and sticking with it. I chose to start this blog. I am not good at sticking with things or jobs or people or projects or pretty much anything that requires a good deal of attention. The exception to this is alcoholism. I am a very dedicated alcoholic. So dedicated, in fact, I cannot remember the first official hours of my birthday, though I'm told I only offended a smattering of people after midnight. Success.

The last prescious hours of my 20s were spent renewing my license at the DMV. The District is out to get me, I am convinced. Not only was it hell getting my license five years ago (I was actually asked to leave a DMV worker's line and refused until they gave me a license, I got my license...after about ten minutes of repeating the following: "Sir, please leave my line."Maam, I am not leaving your line without my license." only to be racially slurred by a little Indian (curry, not corn) woman while waiting for my picture) and the renewal process was no exception. Short version: got there, waited in a long-ass line to get a number to wait for another line, tested my eyes, paid the Man, waited in line for photo, man farted, took photo, got license, car was towed when I got out. Picked up car from tow lot. Drank heavily.

And today, I biked from Columbia Heights to Old Town Alexandria hung-the-fuck-over.

Exhausted and full....very, very sleepy. Details tomorrow.

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